Solution is our propriety, web-based software that serves as the backbone to our solution. It is a robust data management and information reporting system (at both the individual and aggregate level) that allows ProgressiveHealth specialists to create the most relevant, impactful environment possible to reduce injury risk and foster health improvement, yielding reduced costs and enhanced productivity. ProgressiveHealthLIVE (“PHLive”) analysts and developers work with your team to map data elements across enterprise or other systems such as OHM, PeopleSoft, and STARS to avoid redundant entry, streamline and enhance reporting, and improve information relevancy and accuracy.

But we already have pieces in place that we like...we think...?

ProgressiveHealth can be viewed as a "meta-solution" - incorporating and supplementing the best of what you may already be doing while filling in the gaps with best practices - synthesizing information and using it to drive down medical and comp costs while improving employee morale and performance. For instance, you may perform basic front end testing or maintain an insurer-provided wellness platform with which you are currently pleased. We can maintain, supplement, or replace those programs, in all scenarios, including the data and interactions within the PHLive framework, yielding the synergistic benefits.

But we already have an enterprise and/or medical systems that store and track some of this...

ProgressiveHealth staff will work with your data team to interface key data elements to the fullest extent possible, mitigating redundancies, optimizing data integrity, and streamlining your reporting process to ensure efficient production of high value, actionable information.